
Northgard chapter 11
Northgard chapter 11

northgard chapter 11

If you have over 300 food or 200 wood and Winter isn't coming, you're not spending your resources in a timely fashion. Wood should be used immediately if you can't use that 150 wood immediately because you don't have building space, you need more food to colonize another tile. Make sure you store nothing but the bare minimum of resources! Food is good for colonization and not starving nothing else. On Extreme, you rarely need to take more than 5-6 territories besides your home province.Ģ. Expand until you can have a steady supply of everything you need. Instead, push food production and expand to a new tile.ġ. You should almost never need to develop land (paying 100 Krowns) unless you are Goat and can do it for 20. Pay attention to each clan's Lore when planning out what to colonize.Ĥ. Make sure you leave room for silos on food tiles, place Markets and Trading posts on the same tile, and leave room for a Mine when Stone / Iron is on the tile. Turn scouts and warriors into villagers when you can don't retain an army unless necessary or you can't afford to disband them.ģ.

northgard chapter 11

Pay attention to notifications, especially idle villagers.

northgard chapter 11

You are allowed to relax in Skirmish, but in Extreme, you should always be micromanaging your military or villagers to be as efficient as possible.

northgard chapter 11

The idea is to save as soon as you've done a perfect iteration of gameplay that way, if something happens in the next couple months, you have a 'near-perfect" save to go back to.Ģ. In some levels, you need to do as well as you possibly can throughout the mission in order to beat it. Since Northgard implements semi-random events and world hostility, going back to an earlier save may change where / when Wolves and Draugr invade, which bad event (Rats, Blizzard, Earthquake) comes up, etc. Whenever you're on a tricky mission, save every other month. When you can no longer take another tile, turn your Scout / Warriors into Civilians and get to healing everyone.ġ. With the support of a Warchief, the trio can take down another 6 Wolves (3 and 3 in 2 territories). I usually create a Training Camp and train 2 Warriors. My guide assumes rapid expansion for every mission, so you can either build a Healing Hut to support your Warchief when his health gets low, or a Training camp. This is an especially powerful tactic when you need to expand quickly but can't spare Wood, Krowns, or Villagers.ħ. To accomplish this, attack when one wolf is near the border and the others are on the other side of the tile when the other wolves get close, pull the Chieftan out, and repeat when the wolves have dispersed. Your Chieftan is powerful enough to take two tiles with 3 wolves each by himself / herself. Never hit your population cap if you can help it.Ħ. When your next villager is at around 55% complete, make a house. Scout one or two more territories which you intend to colonize (more food / forest), always prioritizing the "best" colonization order.ĥ. Scout and colonize the nearest Food source in this order: Field > Hunting Ground > Fish Pond. Make 1 villager a Scout, and at least 1 a Woodcutter, making sure you still produce enough food for colonization.Ĥ. This is the de-facto start I have found to be most successful. Build a Scout Camp and a Woodcutter's Camp at the beginning of every mission. Master the beginning moves by doing them as quickly and efficiently as possible every second you waste in the beginning of a game costs you exponentially later.ģ. Beginning with a simple tip, save as soon as the opening cutscene ends! That way, you can experiment with tricky missions, scout the landscape without intending to finish the mission, and go back to a convenient starting point.Ģ.

Northgard chapter 11